Law Firm Marketing & Public Relations


Law Firm Marketing
Business Development
Law Firm Branding
Our law firm marketing agency (legal marketing agency) will teach your lawyers to better hunters through Law Firm Marketing. We help you develop and implement strategies, plans, and tactics to increase your promotion, to get more business. It's not about out-spending, but out-smarting the competition.
Our law firm marketing agency also helps with Law Firm Business Development. We help lawyers and law firms seize on profitable new practice areas. Think of law firm business development as expanding your hunting grounds.
Law Firm Branding makes your law firm unique and memorable, before clients need your legal services.

Law Firm Turnarounds
Referral Chains™
Sales Training for Lawyers
Our law firm marketing agency has a big track record of large-scale change management at McCarthy Tetrault and KPMG. We have done Law Firm Turnarounds, working with managing partners to fix a number of process, staff, remuneration, training, and marketing problems.
Our law firm marketing agency has helped a number of lawyers in Toronto and Vancouver set up effective, mutually beneficial Referral Chains™ to refer work among each other.
Sales Training for Lawyers, partners and associates helps turn initial consultations (ICs) into more signed retainer agreements by clients.

Law Firm Websites
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Legal Blogging
Our law firm marketing agency starts the process of building Law Firm Websites with Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Our law firm marketing agency experts will tell you that it is a long and expensive process to fix websites with no built-in SEO. ​In fact, we specialize in organic Search Engine Optimization.
Legal Blogging by The Legal A Team can help lawyers write effective legal blogs that get read, create buzz, and increase your law firm's reputation. We have managed and edited articles and blogs on family law, family mediation, personal injury, wills & estates law, tax law, and more.

Media Relations
Media Training
Media Relations for lawyers and law firms is about getting lawyers interviewed in newspapers, magazines, websites, TV, and radio. At The Legal A Team, we get our lawyer and law firm clients in the media regularly. No other public relations agency or law firm marketing agency gets more news coverage for its clients.
Click on Relentless Results for Clients.
And, Client Testimonials.
We provide Media Training to our lawyer and law firm clients as well as ongoing Media Coaching. We help our lawyer clients with lighting, wardobe, props, and shaping the message with "sound bites with substance."
Public Relations
Community Relations
Public Relations for law firms is about establishing a great reputation before clients and prospects even need your legal services. Legal public relations is about establishing, promoting, protecting, and sometimes salvaging the reputation of a law firm.
Public Relations for law firms is about:
Advocacy and Thought Leadership that point the way for stewardship of the legal profession;
Writing articles, to share your views and legal expertise;
Writing White Papers to show how the legal profession can change and adapt in the future;
Speeches and presentations;
Sponsorships; and
Community Relations.
A law firm crisis is about responding to the media even when you don't have all the facts, about not looking evasive, and about answering THE questions asked, A law firm crisis can make or break your law firm. A law firm crisis will put you suddenly in the media for all the wrong reasons.
The Legal A Team has handled many crises over decades including: the named partner of a law firm who embezzled client funds and law firm partnership dissolutions.
Litigation Support is about strategy and anticipating what will happen next in high profile cases and trials, helping law firm clients win in court—and the court of public opinion.
Law Firm Crises
Litigation Support

The Legal A Team is a law firm marketing agency and a law firm public relations agency. We are relentless about law firm business development, legal marketing, and legal public relations for our clients. Our services also include: law firm turnarounds, law firm branding, law firm website design, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for law firms. We love working with lawyers who want to lead, not follow.
We work exclusively with lawyers and law firms in greater Toronto, across Ontario, and throughout Canada, including Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa, Montreal, and Halifax. In the United States, we have worked with attorneys in Atlanta, Palo Alto, Dallas, Raleigh-Durham, Detroit, and Washington, D.C.
The Legal A Team has combined experience of more than 100 years. We understand how law firms are managed. We understand how to motivate lawyers to affect positive change. We have worked for some of Canada's largest law firms, including McCarthy Tetrault and Faskens. We have smaller firm focus and big firm experience.
Relentless Results™
Number of law firm marketing courses in law school
Number of CPD hours allocated to law firm marketing
Number of Ontario law school graduates each year that increase your competition*
Percentage of admitted lawyers each year who cannot find a full-time position**
*According to The National Post
**According to Canadian Lawyer Magazine
Every month, receive information on topics like these and more:
How to maximize your billable hours
Why simplicity, repetition and the right "hunting grounds" are key to effective law firm marketing
What is the best time to market?
Where and how to expand your practice
Why your prospects can't find your website on Google—and how to fix it
How to deal with reporters covering your case or trial

Jana understands the cybersecurity space and how to communicate it to our clients and prospects so it is compelling.
Every week, I get 2 or 3 calls from much bigger PR agencies, wanting to pitch for my business.
I have been working with Jana for more than 10 years. She is the only PR person I trust.
Daniel Tobok
Cytelligence Inc.
When I started, I had zero media presence. Since The Legal A Team has acted for me, I have had numerous print and radio appearances, have been quoted in print and have had television appearances. Jana is very good at what she does and I recommend her without hesitation.
David J. Rotfleisch
Rotfleish & Samulovitch PC
Jana is an excellent resource. She knows her stuff and is very good at what she does.
Hilary Linton, Board Member
Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario (FDRIO)
Jana has been working with FDRIO for over 2 years. In that time she has been incredibly effective at getting exposure for FDRIO - through strategic planning and advice and her knowledge of how to get noticed. As a result FDRIO has gained recognition resulting in increased membership and certification, and attendance at conferences and events.
Laura Bradford, Board Member
Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario (FDRIO)
Read all our Google Reviews
Law firm public relations client at tax law firm Rotfleisch & Samulovitch P.C., Canadian tax lawyer David Rotfleisch was quoted on why CRA is taxing the income of Afghan employees working for Canada's embassy in Kabul on May 3, 2022 in The National Post.
Law firm public relations client Leor Margulies of Bay Street law firm Robins Appleby LLP was interviewed at the Land and Development Conference about municipal charges and delays by CBC Toronto Evening News on June 7, 2022.
Law firm public relations client Stephanie Battista of O'Sullivan Estate Lawyers LLP, was interviewed in an article about property ownership and common-law relationships on August 2, 2022 in Yahoo! Finance.
Get our "A Game" working for your law firm.
Just howl.

We work with lawyers and law firms in the Greater Toronto area, across Ontario, and throughout Canada, and for American attorneys in the United States.
For inquiries, questions or to get the conversation started, please call: (416) 831-9154, email us, or fill out this form.
Are you, or your clients, in the media for all the wrong reasons?
Call now: (416) 831-9154
1388 Goldhawk Trail
Oakville, Ontario
Canada L6M 3Y5
We offer law firm Marketing and law firm Public Relations interships to qualified candidates. To apply for an internship with The Legal A Team, please email us a cover letter together with your C.V. or resume.
Our 2015 intern was Ava Nicole Williams, who is changing the way that Police forces across Canada deal with sexual assault victims and has caused 37,272 cases to be re-opened. Ava completed a public relations degree then went on to law school at Western University in London, Ontario.
Ava Williams started as an associate at personal injury firm Thomson Rogers in summer 2019. Congratulations, Ava!