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Law Firm Marketing & Public Relations

Rotfleisch & Samulovitch PC

Legal Public Relations Restablishes Reputation of Canadian Tax Firm 

Canadian tax lawyer David J. Rotfleisch runs a boutique tax law practice specializing in years of unfiled income tax returns, voluntary dislosure of undeclared cash income and offshore accounts of "Black Money," fighting Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on wrong assessments as well as smart tax advice for business owners. The practice is supported by two tax law websites, and


Mr. Rotfleisch was an early adopter of technology and had a strong web presence in the early 1990s. He had a solid media presence and an information-rich website. By the 2000s, he farmed his website out to a series of ineffective website suppliers. He stopped blogging and stopped publishing articles in newspapers and magazines. His Google rankings plummeted. He realized that he should never stop his law firm marketing and law firm public relations.


In September 2014, Mr. Rotfleisch hired The Legal A Team to establish his law firm public relations reputation and increase his law firm marketing presence as a progressive and proactive Canadian tax lawyer—and one with a sense of humour. We focused on all the industry and geographic markets important to the client that would be the most likely to bring in future business.

Law firm public relations establishes a lawyer's reputation, so you are at the front of the line, even before people realize they need your services. You are the lawyer they remember. 


After three years of working with Mr. Rotfleisch, he is now getting calls regularly from CTV News, CBC, Global News, and BNN to comment on breaking Canadian tax stories such as KPMG's Isle of Man tax sham, the Panama Papers, and the Paradise Papers as well as the 2017 tax changes to Canadian federal rules on income-splitting for professionals who are incorporated. 


We arranged for Mr. Rotfleisch to be the go-to Canadian tax columnist for The Lawyer's Daily, published by LexisNexis

During calendar 2017, we obtained 40+ article placements in major newspapers and magazines across Canada as well as radio and television interviews in Toronto. A number of these are conducted via Skype and Apple Facetime for Canadian broadcast television, from the client's office in the Caribbean. 

On Newstalk1010, Toronto's largest talk radio station, host of "The Night Side" Barb DiGiulio refers to Mr. Rotfleisch as "our tax lawyer who makes taxes fun"—her words, not ours. 


In February 2018, we arranged for Mr. Rotfleisch to be the Canadian tax lawyer/blogger for The Huff Post in Canada. and enjoy Page 1 organic rankings on Google search for their chosen keywords, due to the steady stream of fresh, original content published in a variety of media. This is the power of law firm public relations.


Relentless Results.™

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WOLF IMAGES: Miroslav Chytil, Ronald Wilfred Jansen, David Dirga, and Rossi Robin Nice, for SHUTTERSTOCK.

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